If you would like to support the Brazilian Project of Law which provides for psychological services and social assistance in the public schools of basic education, please indicate your name and e-mail address here to support this action, and click on “Enviar”.  This is an important moment for school psychologists in Brazil.

The following translation of the website was submitted by ISPA former treasurer Raquel Guzzo:

In April 2013, the rapporteur of the project on the Committee on Education and Culture (CEC), Congresswoman Keiko Ota (PSB – SP), gave assent to the text of the project of law (PL) 3688/00, which provides for the provision of services Psychology and Social Work at public Basic Education. The Project of Law (PL) provides that psychologists and social workers in schools act as partners of professional managers, teachers, other employees and members of the school community, working in the implementation of educational projects for the improvement of the teaching-learning process and the mediation of social relations and institutional.

The project was presented in 2000 by Mr. José Carlos Elias (PTB/ES), the House of Representatives. Underway in the House until 2007, when it was approved and forwarded to the Senate. That year, the subject received the replacement text prepared by the Federal Council of Psychology (CFP) and partner organizations. Currently the PL is in Committee on Education and Culture and will be voted on soon. Therefore, psychologists all over the country must continue mobilized for Members welcome the Senate version. If approved, the project will be assessed by the Committee on Constitution, Justice and Citizenship (CCJ). Once passing go through all the Committees and the Plenary, the matter will go to the sanction of President Dilma Rousseff.